Flag Autoforwarded Messages with Rule
I autoforward emails that I get from a specific client to one of my
users, but I also send regular emails that are not autoforwarded to
In order to distinguish the ones that are autoforwarded, I want to be
able to flag (on his machine) those messages after they arrive.
There is a field called Auto Forwarded and that is checked, so I want
to be able to check that field when the email arrives and if Auto
Forwarded is true, then flag it. (I tried just showing the
Autoforwarded check field, but my user says that's not enough...it's
particularly bad if he's looking for a specific email from me that
wasn't autoforwarded and he has to search though all the ones (and
there are lots) that were.) He feels more comfortable with the flags.
I found the criteria that says something about checking Document or
Form properties, but when I add a standard form, like the "note",
which is the message class of the message, I don't get to look at any
fields. (In custom forms that I've created, I am able to see fields
for those.)
Does anyone know how I can do this?