Thank you both for your replies. Not what I wanted to hear...but I
just came up with an idea that my very visually motivated user is fine
I set up Automatic Formatting to say if Autoforwarded is True make the
font Bold Green. Problem solved.
Thanks for your help!
On Apr 25, 1:44*pm, "Diane Poremsky {MVP}" wrote:
I don't think rules can detect which are autoforwarded and which are
manually forwarded - If it were me, I'd use a rule that looked for messages
from you, that had FW: in the subject line and flag. *As long as you don't
forward a lot of things manually that he doesn't need flagged, it'll work.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
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"Josetta" wrote in message
I autoforward emails that I get from a specific client to one of my
users, but I also send regular emails that are not autoforwarded to
In order to distinguish the ones that are autoforwarded, I want to be
able to flag *(on his machine) those messages after they arrive.
There is a field called Auto Forwarded and that is checked, so I want
to be able to check that field when the email arrives and if Auto
Forwarded is true, then flag it. *(I tried just showing the
Autoforwarded check field, but my user says that's not's
particularly bad if he's looking for a specific email from me that
wasn't autoforwarded and he has to search though all the ones (and
there are lots) that were.) *He feels more comfortable with the flags.
I found the criteria that says something about checking Document or
Form properties, but when I add a standard form, like the "note",
which is the message class of the message, I don't get to look at any
fields. *(In custom forms that I've created, I am able to see fields
for those.)
Does anyone know how I can do this?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -