How can i send reminbers to people in my calendar one day before?
Change the reminder time in the appointment to 1 day before you send it out in the first place. 1d in the window should do it.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
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After furious head scratching, AngelR asked:
| Well I'm trying to send reminbers to people one day before so they
| don't forget about the meetings we have. I have a meeting setup in my
| calendar and i send it to the people i want them to attend. But i
| don't know how to send a reminder Automatically to them. I know i can
| send emails and remind them, but i may be busy or something and may
| not have enough time to send them the reminder. If i could send them
| the reminber automatically when i make the meeting that would be
| great.
| If anyone can help me that would be great.
| Thanks