I went thru a similar issue which I corrected the other day. here is the
Outlook 2003 SP2 with Exchange 2003
User A needs to have 6 delegates, but could not add any.
What was done.
MBX and Security rights checked on AD side. Group Memberships also checked
- In AD Permissions act weird when 'unknown accounts' or Account deleted
tokens are present
- Group Membership members who are 'disabled' should have 'External
Associated checked. Learnt it the 'hard way' that it causes issues.
- Could not recreate the issue on User A logging on to another workstation.
So what was different? the attached PST file
PST file was 'ANSI' and not Unicode and that causes issues with PST
corruption. Learnt it the hard way.
- Closed PST from MBX, created Unicode based PST and imported old to new.
Tried Delegation and it failed.
- Detached (closed) all PSTs, logoff and logon. Open Outlook (now
without PST
Worked like a charm.
- Reattached the Uncode PST and then added more delegates and worked
like a charm
- How do I explain that? any of these affect Calendar,delgation,
permissions, etc
esp. the AD settings. If AD is not in the picture, maybe the PST would
correct it.
- I now have 6 happy clients
Hope this helps.
Amin M.
"JacquesT" wrote:
I'd like to add this to my post:
-It's the Permission button that remains grayed out
-Only one user has the problem.
"JacquesT" a écrit dans le message de news:
Hi All,
I have a user that can add delegates to her mailbox however the
Autorisation button is always grayed out. What can cause this? only one
user and the mailbox rights look OK.
We use Outlook 2003 Sp3 and Exchange 2003.