Unable to add appointment
Installed Office 2007 to fix this problem...
By the way, I did /cleanviews in the run line, I just did a typo here.
New profile was created but didn't do anything either.
Troubles now begin with learning to navigate Office 2007...
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
Stampie wrote:
Here's some things I've tried...
- As stated below, Start Run Outlook.exe /clearviews
And that wouldn't do anything but produce an error because the command
switch is /cleanviews, nit /clearviews
- Detect and Repair,
- Complete reinstall of Office 2003, removing SP3 and replacing it
with SP2
I have done the routine checks to try and get it working, and i'm
considering upgrading to Office 2007.
I'd try a new mail profile before shelling out for OL 2007.
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]