Hallo Ken,
The Add-In is not listen in the COM Add-Ins dialog. The dialog ist eamty.
So I can not activate my Add-In, because I do not see it.
It is also not in the list of deactived items. -- I can't see my Add-In in
The registry values are all right - they are the same about the developer
I deployed all the needed files (components) The test pc and the developer
pc have the same version of XP and Outlook. The .net framework are
different. on the developer pc is the version 3.5 installed and on the test
pc the version 2. But the Add-In is develop for the .net framework 2.
"Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Did you look in the COM Add-Ins dialog to see if your addin is listed and
If it's there but not checked does it start up when you check it?
Is it listed in the Disabled Items dialog (Help, About Microsoft Office
Outlook, Disabled Items button)?
Did you make sure to deploy all requirements and pre-requisites such as
the VSTO runtime, any required VSTO language pack, Framework, etc?
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options
"Hahn, Thomas" wrote in message
Hallo NG!
I write an Addin for Outlook 2002. On the development maschine the addin
is start with outlook.
Now the development is completed and I would deploy the addin to each
clients. For this I have create an Setup, which install the AddIn on the
target machine. All the file and regiytry values are wrote by the setup
If I start Outlook the AddIn will not runing. I do not get any errors or
something else
I use
Windows XP SP2 with Outlook 2002
to developing
Visual Studios 2008
Thanks for your answer