Invalid Contact Links
And with 2 versions of the .pst files out there, it promises to get worse
rather than better.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] asked:
| Unfortunately, once those links are broken, you can't recreate them.
| Any chance you backed this file up before you renamed it? It's always
| a good idea to make a copy of your Outlook data file periodically,
| especially before you try to migrate your data.
| Migrating PST files has become one of the most arduous, cantankerous
| tasks in Outlook. It gets worse with each version.
|| Milly & Russ,
|| I use Windows2000 and Office2000. I just made the mistake of
|| changing the name of my .PST file and broke all the links that I had
|| between my contacts
|| and my calendar and tasks (birthday shortcuts, etc.). I changed it
|| back to
|| its previous name but that did not fix the problem. I should have
|| read tips
|| here before messing with the .PST file.
|| Once the links are broken, is there a way to get them restored/fixed?
|| I've
|| been to a bunch of sites and am either asking the wrong question and
|| the fix
|| exists or there is no fix. Is there hope or am I up a creek and
|| need to start manually recreating the links. BTW - You guys are the
|| MVP's! I've learned a lot reading what to do and not do in the
|| future.
|| Thanks,
|| Chris
|| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
||| Copy the .pst file to a location of your choice and then in
||| Outlook, use File-Open-Outlook Data File. This preserves all
||| connections to custom forms, contact linkages, etc.
||| --
||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
||| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
||| reading.
||| After furious head scratching, EBR asked:
|||| My hard drive crashed and the only way to reestablish Outlook was
|||| to import my backed up .pst file. How else could I have
|||| reestablished Outlook?
|||| "Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
||||| Links have always been broken with importing and exporting.
||||| The question is, why would you ever need to export and import? Are
||||| you trying to switch to some other program?
||||| --
||||| Russ Valentine
||||| [MVP-Outlook]
||||| "EBR" wrote in message
||||| ...
|||||| Why do links to Contacts in Tasks, saved emails, Calendar Events,
|||||| etc become
|||||| invalid after an export/import?