Not saving password
"saylerman" wrote in
Using Outlook Express 6 on WinXP Pro. Password on POP acct not being
saved. Have read many threads and found Knowledge Base article on the
And that is supposed to tell us WHICH article you read? Was it the
article mentioned by Bruce in his reply?
I have tried all of the options and all fail.
No, not all. Just those you can think of or have researched so
far. Since you don't mention what you have tried, expect respondents to
duplicate in their replies what you already tried.
So, in the e-mail account defined in OE, is the checkbox to remember
your login credentials actually enabled?
The option to delete key from register doesn't work.
"Doesn't work" means what? That you deleted the key but a reload of OE
still has it complaining the login credentials are required? That you
cannot delete the registry key? That you cannot even get into the
When I try to delete the key I get a message that delete failed
because of....some words which I currently forget.
Was it maybe saying that you don't have permissions to delete that key?
If so, did you change the permissions as noted in method #3 in the
article that Bruce mentions? Are you logged in under an admin-level
account so you can actually change permissions of registry keys?
If its important let me know.
You expected focused replies based on a non-described error message?