VBA to intercept creation of new messages?
In Word if I create a macro called FileNew which pops up a message box
then it will override the default file new code.
What is the equivalent of FileNew in Outlook 2007 so that I can
override the default functionality? and which template/where should I
it in so that it works every time.
I have tried making a normalemail.dot but although it keeps my styles
it loses any keystrokes I have assigned and the multilevel numbering.
I tried saving the styles as a styleset and that works, but I have to
switch to the styleset manually each time.
I then created an oft file which works, but I can't work out how to
get it to be the default - so I thought maybe I could 'catch' the
FileNew process and call it that way?
Any other ideas on how to set up a default message that has multi-
level numbered styles with keystrokes attached?