I resemble that remark. G
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message
[Who says institutional memory is worthless? eg]
Steve Cochran wrote:
Disable the spell checker option under Tools | Options | Spelling and
should cancel the install on demand. If it doesn't then something else
interfering such as an antivirus or antispam program. Disable those (see
www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#3) and then see if that fixes the problem.
might also try going to File | Identities and set up a new Identity.
"Ryton" wrote in message
G'Day, my Win98/IE6/OE6 system experiences the following: "MSIMN
caused an invalid page fault in MSOE.dll". This only occurs when OE6
experiences an "Install on Demand" attempt which I manually cancel.
Any ideas?