Look into that KB:
Maybe it will resolve your problem.
Let me know if it helped.
Have a good day,
Piotr Majcher
Share Outlook on the net without Exchange!
Uzytkownik "Brian Tillman" napisal w wiadomosci
Paula wrote:
Upon researching further, that may not be the problem in the regard
that he also receives other emails which are Bcc and those are coming
in fine. We also just did a self test using Bcc and it came through
The problem you describe doesn't ALWAYS occur. Microsoft claims it
doesn't happen when Outlook is both the sending and receiving application,
so trying to test it yourself may not produce the issue. Moreover, if the
message is not HTML, even if you are Bcc'd, you won't see the problem. If
the messages you say look fine are Plain Text or Rich Text, that explains
why they appear OK.
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]