Why can't I send messages to large groups?
I am the chairman of an organisation with 150 members. Until recently I could
send and forward messages to them all at the same time. I had all the e-mail
adresses saved in a special word-document, and simply copied and pasted them
into the Bcc-field in an e-mail addressed to myself.
Now, when I try that, I get an error message saying that the message
could'nt be sent beacuse this or that address wasn't accepted. It turns out
that it is always address number 25 or thereabouts, and if I remove it and
try again, the same thing will happen with the address that was next to it.
The program will only allow me to send the mails in "batches" of about 25
addresses at a time, if I add more it will refuse to send. Where did this
stupid and irritating limitation come from, and how do I remove it?
The same thing happens if I try to send an e-mail to more than about 25
names from my address book.
Please help!