Highlighted entries in Calendar
DavidMSPeace wrote:
By highlighting I mean the day numbers of the months which (in
general, as you described in response to my original question) are
emboldened if the day contains an event which is shown as "Busy".
However the 2/10 month rule for emboldening does not appear to apply
in the case of my archive calender, which shows
emboldened/highlighted dates over a period of years (but it does not
highlight consistently, in that some dates which have events are not
highlighted for some reason).
Are you speaking of the dates in the Month view of the Calendar Pane itself
or in the Date Navigator (the little months that appear in the Nav Pane or
Taskpad)? I've never seen the dates in the month view bolded ever and the
Nav Pane doesn't show the archive calendar in the Date Navigator where the
10/2 rule applies.
Can you create a screen shot of what you man and post a URL to that image so
we can examine it?
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]