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Old May 20th 08, 05:35 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook
[email protected]
external usenet poster
Posts: 20
Default How to dismiss items before reminder pops up?

OL2007. Maybe it's something that I can do under menu View-Current
View-Day/Week/Month. I can see recurring items that hit later in the
day today, yet some of them I have already done, and these are the
ones I want to "dismiss." I still want these to recur tomorrow; but
rather than have the distraction of seeing them today (or getting a
reminder later today) I'd like to dismiss now (in advance of the event
or reminder), effectively "advancing the recurrence cycle." Right
clicking items (on that view) doesn't seem to have it.

If I could, then when I look at a calendar view I could see what I
REALLY need to do; and besides, the daily recurring things still show
up tomorrow, without making visual noise today.

Can I? VBA is okay if that's the way.