Categories are the right solution for you.
50 categories is FEW. Most clients I work with have at least that many.
When a project is complete you can always remove the category from the
Master Category List. Anything already categorised will still be in that
Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant
My suggested settings for Outlook 2003 are FREE on my website.
"Nelson" wrote in message
My apologies; I'm running Outlook 2007 with Vista.
By "overpopulate," I simply mean that there would quickly be too many
Categories for them to be useful. I can easily imagine having 50+ values
this list.
I'm basically just looking for a more granular way to sort my appointments
for the sake of managing multiple class project timelines.
"Judy Gleeson (MVP Outlook)" wrote:
Categories is a field on the Tasks and Appointments and I don't know what
you mean by "overpopulate" with regard to categories. How many different
values will you need?
Can you tell us what version you have as well?
Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant
My suggested settings for Outlook 2003 are FREE on my website.
"Nelson" wrote in message
I'm a business student with lots of class projects. I would like to be
to filter and print groups of appointments (and tasks simultaneously,
possible) by one or more tags (e.g. "All Class", "MK449 Marketing
Management," or "MK449 Integrated Communications Plan Project").
I don't want to use Categories since the large number of different
and classes will quickly overpopulate the list. The same is true of
Calendars. I'm hoping for something like a field on the appointments
tasks forms.
Is there a way to do this? I have some limited knowledge of VBA, so
an option if someone can point me in the right direction.