Unable to get enhanced form. Only get the orginal form that was sent
I have a form that a user sent me that contains a stationary I deleted it
and populate the form with text, combo boxes. It also has To, From,
Subject. This form enables a user to populate information and send it to a
database administrator. I saved the form as an oft extention and publish
it. It looks great when I go Form - Run this form it looks fine to me. My
problem is when I test ths form I run into a problem. I go into Outlook
2003 I go to New Mail Message Choose form and select the form I enhanced - I
get the form it looks great I populate the form and send it via e-mail to my
address and when I open it up I don't get the text boxes, combo boxes, etc.
All I get is the original oft that contains the stationary that was sent to
me. What gives all I did was use a co-worker oft and enhanced it. I would
sure appreciate anybodys help. Thank you in advance