how do i get the windows programs back after rebooting Computer?
I bought a new Laptop which came with Vista Ultimate.
I was downloading an update for vista and as it installed the update it
crashed on
my laptop and froze, so i manually shut down the computer and went to start
windows the proccess of the laptop slow down, and then ended up failing to
run Vista Ultimate, Luckily i had a back up of my computer and programs that
i previously installed, so when i rebooted because i was told that was the
only way to fix it, everything was working fine apart from i had lost all my
Vista Ultimate Programs like outlook, Access and Project Pro and others which
I deeply depend on, Is there a way i can reinstall these programs under
I have still got everything i was given with the laptop, but not the
Download disc for Vista Ultimate, it was preloaded but i still have my
Product Codes Ultimate and Project Pro.
Can you help me please i need help.