The name of the folder is what will be displayed in the groups within the
Contact pane - there is no separate display name.
If you want to automatically deploy a link to a Public Folder within one of
those custom Contact Groups, you will need to use the Office Resource Kit to
build and deploy a custom configuration package that you have to run on
every PC. There's also options to create the link with code, but it may be
a challenge deploying the script and you're better off using the ORK.
Note that adding shortcuts to Public Folders within these item-based
Navigation Pane Groups (Contacts, Calendars, etc.) no longer works with
Outlook 2007. You can only add them to the Shortcuts pane.
Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]
MCDBA, MCTS (Messaging & Collaboration, SharePoint Infrastructure, MOSS 2007
& WSS 3.0 Application Development)
Collaborative Innovations
NEW! - Try Picture Attachments Wizard 2.0 For Microsoft Outlook -
"Lp12" wrote in message
Thanks a lot.
Is there a way to create a reference in the Contacts pane as 'other
contacts' or to automatically share the public contacts to each client?
" wrote:
If you are referring to the Shortcuts pane, you can add elements to it
the OutlookBarShortcut object. Here's an example from the VBA help
Sub AddShortcut()
Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim myOlBar As Outlook.OutlookBarPane
Dim myolGroup As Outlook.OutlookBarGroup
Dim myOlShortcuts As Outlook.OutlookBarShortcuts
Set myOlBar = myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.panes.Item("OutlookBar")
Set myolGroup = myOlBar.Contents.Groups.Item(1)
Set myOlShortcuts = myolGroup.Shortcuts
myOlShortcuts.Add "", _
"Microsoft Home Page", 1
End Sub
To point the reference to a folder, replace the URL string with a
containing a MAPIFolder object representing the Public Folder you want to
create a shortcut to.
Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]
MCDBA, MCTS (Messaging & Collaboration, SharePoint Infrastructure, MOSS
& WSS 3.0 Application Development)
Collaborative Innovations
NEW! - Try Picture Attachments Wizard 2.0 For Microsoft Outlook -
"Lp12" wrote in message
Hi All,
We have an employee contacts in public folders and we want to set a
in each client. Is there a way to automate the process so each user
it in his Contacts list?
Thanks a lot in advance.