Thread: newsgroups
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Old June 5th 08, 01:11 AM posted to
PA Bear [MS MVP]
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,647
Default newsgroups

0x800CCC0E IXP_E_FAILED_TO_CONNECT Cannot connect to server

Troubleshooting error messages that you receive when you are using OL and OE
[ignore any Mail-specific content]

When the error's encountered using Mail, email scanning by your anti-virus
application is usually the cause of the problem. However, this scanning
does not pertain to downloads from and uploads to newsservers.

What anti-virus application or security suite is installed? What
anti-spyware applications (other than Defender)? What third-party firewall
(if any)?

Are you absolutely certain the news account's configured properly?

Are you having any other connection problems?

Do you get the same error if you attempt to access the newsserver in the
dead-of-the-night or very early morning (e.g., between 3 and 6 AM)?

Do you have the same problem if you attempt to access the newsserver in a
new identity (File | Identities | Add new identity) or using another

No offense but is there any possibility that someone installed Parental
Control or internet filtering on the weekend?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin

bill wrote:
Sorry i forgot to put in the error code

User name: bhanford
Protocol: NNTP
Port: 119
Secure(SSL): 0
Code: 800ccc0e

"bill" wrote:
I had verizon newsgroups up in till sun night.
than it stopped working, I now get "unable to connect to server".
I have microsoft news and grc on my oe and it worksfine.
I called verizon 3 times now and they tell me it's my problem
my avg or my zone alarm. I removed both from my machine
and still can't get my verizon news groups. any body else have this
problem? can any one help me with this.
thanks, bill
