Thread: newsgroups
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Old June 5th 08, 04:58 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 28
Default newsgroups

"bill" wrote:

I tried it and it failed also. I got connecting to not open connection to host, on port 119: connection failed

"VanguardLH" wrote:

"bill" wrote in

I had verizon newsgroups up in till sun night.
than it stopped working, I now get "unable to connect to server".
I have microsoft news and grc on my oe and it worksfine.
I called verizon 3 times now and they tell me it's my problem
my avg or my zone alarm. I removed both from my machine
and still can't get my verizon news groups. any body else have this
problem? can any one help me with this.
thanks, bill

"telnet 119" results in a timeout. Their server is not
responding on that port. You didn't mention using a non-standard port.
I'm not on the Verizon network when doing the telnet test; however, if
they reject external connects to their server then I shouldn't get a
timeout and instead an immediate connect rejection. Do the telnet test
yourself while on their network.
