same Q as earlier (I have two calenders in outlook and I only use one. When I
synch with a palm
pc it only copies the calender I do not use. How can I copy all of my
calender items into the default one. )
But I use Microsoft Outlook 2007.
Judy Gleeson MVP Outlook skrev:
Turn on the Advanced Toolbar and you will see which view you are in at all
Judy Gleeson [MVP Outlook]
Acorn Training and Consulting
Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!
"Markiewicz" wrote in message
I am using 2003 and you have solved a big problem for me. Thanks!
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
Markiewicz wrote:
How do I get to a "list view"?
You don't mention your version of Outlook, so it's hard to say. For OL
with the Calendar open, click ViewArrange ByCurrent ViewBy Category.
Brian Tillman