OE6 Reply e-mail address problem (doesn't reply using address email was sent to)
Instead of 3 accounts, have you considered setting up 3 identities?
That keeps all the mail for each identity separate and replies are separate.
"mvhash" wrote in message
| I'm experiencing a problem with Outlook Express 6. When ever I try to
| reply to received email, the application chooses a reply address by
| some random mechanism and does not always use the address the message
| was sent to.
| For clarification;
| I have three email accounts set up in Outlook Express 6 (on Windows XP,
| SP3). Two for private use and one for business use.
| When ever I receive an email to any of the three accounts and then hit
| the reply button, OE doesn't automaticly choose the address the message
| was sent to as the reply address, but instead simply chooses among one
| of the three accounts I have set up. In that way I might be replying to
| by business clients from my private account and to my family and friends
| from my business account.
| I'm at complete lose as to why this is happening and although I found
| numerous other examples on the Net of the same problem and requests for
| assistance(*), I have yet to find a solution to it.
| If anyone could advise I would be extremely grateful. Thank you!
| --
| mvhash