OE 6 , odd keyboard/mouse/cursor effects
When I type in a Reply to Sender message in OE6 the mouse cursor doesn't do
as it is supposed to do and using backspace to delete doesn't always work and
positioning the mouse cursor further than the end of the typed email then
taking it back to where I want it to be will not always go where I want it to
and sometimes if I try to position the cursor at the end of the last letter I
have typed it will appear 2 letters before the last letter . Once I tried
deleting something with the back button and more than what was selected was
deleted leaving 3 !! for goodness sake !! capital letters on the left margin
.. Holy mackrel !!
I know there is a driver for this keyboard and I think all it does is
enable a hotkey , it may be intended for another use but even with it
installed I had errors like this in OE 6 , but not quite as bad when I had
IE6 installed . I'm using the IE7 Beta 2 , which I like quite a lot better
than IE6 .
I bought the keyboard in October 2003 and the computer mouse is about 3
months old .
I couldn't find Outlook Express earlier and I posted a similar post in the
New Users section .
And look , in my signature I edited my profile so there would be 1
apostrophe in the name......I see 2 apostrophes there now as I type this post
.. I hope to see one apostrophe when I read this post on the Communities Board
sheesh !
my signature