What Happened To The Connection Box In WLM?
Many of us have stuck to XP and OE because we don't want WLM and Vista.
Stick with the tried and the true as long as possible -- until the bugs and
snakes in WLM and Vista are taken care of.
Both newsgroups are relevant.
"...winston" wrote in message
One's preference is another's annoyance.
Cross posting removed, discussion on WLM not applicable to OE group.
ms-mvp mail
"D. Spencer Hines" wrote in message
No Sale...
And I'm older than you are.
Eschew Ossification.
I just haven't lost my edge -- whereas you obviously have...
And I've been using automatic transmissions since 1966.
If you don't want to watch the Progress Box in OE you just close it.
Easy As Pie.
No Double Clicks Required.
Intelligent Design.
"Gary VanderMolen" wrote in message
Let me give you an example of how it is possible to mature
beyond the point of wanting to control and observe every detail.
Up until age 55, I insisted that every car I bought had to have a
manual transmission. I thought, a dumb machine cannot know how
to shift gears at the optimum point! But then I developed arthritis
in my knees and frequent clutching became too painful. I was forced
into switching to an automatic transmission. I was amazed how
smooth and intelligent modern automatic transmissions are. What
an eye opener!
It really isn't necessary to watch the details of every mail
*until* such time as a glitch develops. For me, many months go by
a glitch, so why bother wasting one's attention on something that is
automatic and troublefree.
Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)
"D. Spencer Hines" wrote in message
The "Former Inner Nerd Watching Silently" these posters confess to is
the issue.
It's a Strawman Red Herring.
How Ignorant & Unimaginative they are.
One watches the Progress Box in order to gauge the proper functioning
the software and any glitches that may occur as one synchronizes a
of newsgroups seriatim -- or downloads diamonds, ash and trash from the
email locker.
I'll bet the class of self-confessed former nerds often don't listen to
the engine and the road noise when they drive -- or keep a close watch
the gauges, as required -- but insist on having the radio or CD player
blaring -- while they chatter and babble on the cell phone -- just as
they chatter and babble on USENET.
There are poor drivers on the road and there are poor drivers of
They have much in common...
And both are potentially extremely dangerous...
To the Health & Welfare of the rest of us...
As well as to themselves.
Lux et Veritas et Libertas