Hi Peter,
A lot of people find Reply To All Monitor
http://www.SperrySoftware.com/Outloo...ll-Monitor.asp) or
Safeguard Send (
good solutions to prevent these kinds of mistakes.
Hope this helps!
Mike Sperry
Find 37 Outlook add-ins that can make a difference!
"Peter" wrote in message
Is there a rule or method to warn oneself that you are about to send a
message to a list (particular address) - when one is tired and one writes
a reply that you wish to send to the sender who has posted something to a
list - and not have it go to the whole list - because one clicks send (and
it goes) - and you go "oops" (or something stronger) - and you reach for
it and try to grab it back - and it's too late - it's in cyberspace?
I'v e heard of many people doing this - and I've done it. Surely there is
a way to present oneself with a dialog box that says - you are about to
send a message to a list - are you sure you want to do this?
Or a setting - that shows you the e-mail address you are sending to -
before it goes to cyberspace - even if it means it's a message that is
going to appear for every e-mail you send.
Surely there's something?
Or an alternative to Outlook that includes this feature.
And if not, hwo about it Microsoft, add it Outlook - please