Disappearing message
Ran search in sent items folder for the exact subject "backup" and find
coughed it up, but it still does not show in the main window. Why won't it
show up there. I tried OP's suggestion about viewcurrent view and it's just
gone. What happened to it?
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message
What was the exact subject of your post to Vista General? (Look in Sent
Items folder)
Reset list? Tried that - didn't work. Don't know what else to reset.
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message
Try a Reset.
I posted a new thread in microsoft.public.windows.vista.general. It
in my OE newsreader several minutes later. I 'watched' it and the
glasses appeared next to it. Returned later and retrieved more headers
see if any replies. Thread gone. Cannot get back. Unsubscribed,
resubscribed, searched. It appears on the web newsgroups, but not in
OE.Where is it?