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Old July 11th 08, 04:04 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba
external usenet poster
Posts: 196
Default View filter on mail items sent in the last 30 days

While trying to create what I thought was a simple view filter to show mail
items sent in the last 30 days I've learned that Outlook doesn't accomodate
this via simple configuration. I tried doing an Advanced filter but I'm
still constrained by the same limitations (e.g. last 7 days, last month...).
I'm no wiz with SQL but it seems this is the only place where I can
accomplish what I'm after. I tried the expression below but it didn't pass
the SQL parsing:

"urn:schemas:httpmail:date" = today() - 30

How can I apply a filter that will show me all email sent in the past 30 days?