The built in FAST wizard in XP works quite well, but you say you've ruled it
out. Have you ever read this article about how to use it:
293118 - HOW TO: Use Files and Settings Transfer Wizard in Windows XP:
If you don't want to use the wizard, then you'll have to use the method
outlined he
But be aware, you will not be using the same "identities" as such since you
will have all new GUIDs. To retain the GUIDs and thereby the identities,
you would have to "clone" your setups as outlined he
Jim Pickering, MVP, Outlook Express
Please deliver feedback to the newsgroup, so that others can be helped.
"sdavies6" wrote in message
I am getting a new computer. What OE files do I need to transfer to my new
computer in order to keep the same identities, servers, emails -
sent/received -, address books, newsgroups subscribed to, etc? Where do I
find the files? What is the exact procedure?
I will not be using the XP File Transfer program. Rather, I'll copy the
important files to disk and reestablish them in the rpoper plces.
Thanks for your help.