Outlook 2k error message
Outlook 2K error message:
OS = Windows XP SP3; - CA Antivirus Program; - Built-in Firewall in a
Linksys Wireless Router; Adobe Acrobat Version 7.1.0.
July 16, 2008 OUTLOOK 2000- HAS ENCOUNTERED A PROBLEM ...and needs to close
.. Sorry for the inconvenience."
Backed up the OUTLOOK 2000 Personal Folder data.
Removed OUTLOOK 2000.
Re-installed-OUTLOOK 2000 from the installation CD.
All appears A-OK. Problem solved.
July 23, 2008 After using Acrobat Version 7.1.0 for the better part of
several hours, the Outlook 2K problem message (OUTLOOK 2000- HAS ENCOUNTERED
A PROBLEM ...and needs to close . Sorry for the inconvenience) resurfaced on
re-entering and / or exiting the Outlook program. NOTE: the horizontal menu
bar displays eleven Adobe PDF tabs.
July 23, 2008 Removed both the Outlook 2K program and any links to my
"Personal Folder.pst" list locations & also removed Adobe Acrobat 7.1.0.
THEN: reinstalled Adobe Acrobat 7.1.0 & Outlook 2K in that order. Imported a
backup of my Personal Folder.pst list successfully. Exited Outlook and
re-entered Outlook only to find the situation back to square one with the
message -"MS OUTLOOK 2000- HAS ENCOUNTERED A PROBLEM ...and needs to close .
Sorry for the inconvenience."
Later in the day, on entering & exiting the Outlook 2K program a half a
dozen times, I no longer received the "OUTLOOK 2000- HAS ENCOUNTERED A
PROBLEM ...and needs to close . Sorry for the inconvenience." message.
However the horizontal menu bar still displays eleven Adobe PDF tabs. I
should like to disable ten of the eleven Adobe PDF tabs for ever. . [Outlook
Express is not involved.]
Dr. Gordon J. Fimio Please help. Thank you