Any information you have read about scanpst not being compatible with Vista
is at this point a legend that cannot be confirmed. I know of no
reproducible information to that effect and have in fact been using it just
fine for 2 years on Vista. What happened when you repaired your Office
installation? What do you see when you examine the default file location for
Russ Valentine
"CHELLO" wrote in message
. ..
Hi, Russ,
Sure, I knew you would jump in here! :-)
Thanks for this hint, but of course I have already done all my home work
as far as research is concerned.
What really vexes me is the fact that after setting up Vista on my machine
and installing Office 2003 these two scanpst files actually were present
in their proper location. As I described in my first posting I did run a
normal scanpst process once, with positive results. It was only on my next
attempt, a few days later, that I discovered the two files are not present
on my machine any more. I have a faint suspicion one of the recent
automatic updates from Microsoft might have nuked them, particularly after
having read that scanpst is alleged to be incompatible with Vista.
I'm still waiting for some explanation to this strange occurrence.
Hope everything is well over there in your part of the World,
Kind regards,
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Also, here are the default locations for the file:
Russ Valentine
"CHELLO" wrote in message
. ..
Originally I had installed Win XP and Office 2003 on my computer.
Recently I bought Vista and re-installed my Office 2300. Everything has
been running correctly since.
A few days ago however I had some trouble with Outlook and ran
scanpst.exe successfully. Today, when I discussed some technical
problems with a friend of mine, to my great surprise I cannot find
scanpst.exe any more. It is definitely nowhere on my computer (I'm no
newbie, by the way, so I do know how and where to search!!).
I managed to retrieve scanpst.exe from my Office installation CD. When I
try to run it it complains it cannot find scanpst32.dll. Another intense
search on my machine, this time for that *.dll file, brought no result.
And here comes the next surprise: On the installation CD this *.dll file
is also not present! Was it created automatically during the
installation of Office?
What or who removed these two *.pst files from my machine? Could one of
the recent updates automatically performed by Microsoft be the culprit?
Some browsing in the Web led me to a few postings where people mentioned
the fact that scanpst.exe is not compatible with Windows Vista. What is
true about this, and what would be the proper procedure on my current
system should I ever want to repair a *.pst-File? Did my first -
successful! - activation of scanps swap the files?
Anyway, I'm completely at loss. and I would be extremely grateful for
any advice.
Kind regards,