Our product (@
www.ExchangeGroupCalendar.com) will make life a lot
easier for you.
With that, you create the item in the public folder and it
automagically shows up in the personal calendar of the user.
If the user changes the item it will change in the public folder
It has some more options which you may find useful.
On Jul 29, 2:35*pm, Wyn Bryant wrote:
Our organization has a procedure that is beneficial to us but is also
very tedious and I'm hoping that by describing the process below,
someone might be able to point out a simpler way to accomplish same,
or if it will require custom programming.
We utilize aPublicFolderto store our company wide clients. *By
creatingcalendarentries in thePublicFolderand assigning them to a
Contact, we can open the Contact and see when the client was last in
the office. *Further, if we assign employee(s) to thecalendarentry
(with Invite Attendees), it allows us to see who the client saw. *We
also want thecalendarentry on the personalcalendarof the
employee(s) involved in the appointment.
So we need twocalendarentries created, one on thepublicfoldercalendar, one on the private mailboxcalendar.
So right now, when a client requests an appointment, we follow these
1. Check to see if the employee has an opening for the requested time
by viewing their personalcalendar(in their mailbox).
2. OpenPublicFolderCalendar, create newcalendarentry
3. Enter information about the appointment
4. Click Invite Attendees for the employees that will be involved in
the appointment
5. Click Contacts to assign the appropriate client Contact.
Then an e-mail message is sent to the employee(s) asking them to
accept the invitation, which places thecalendarentry on their
Is there a way we can eliminate several of these steps to create the
two necessarycalendarentries and eliminate the invitation step so
that the employee doesn't have to accept the invitation for it to
appear on their personalcalendar?
Our environment is Exchange 2003/Outlook 2003.
Thank you,
Wyn Bryant