Outlook 2000 Autoarchive a real pain!
I'm really hoping that somone can help me out here...
The issue i'm having is; users can set different autoarchive rules on
each folder/container, therefore archiving to a different .pst
This causes a problem if you have to move the destination archive .pst
because the path would be wrong in the individual folders autoarchive
There must be an easy way to view which folders have autoarchive rules
and modify them, mustn't there? If not i'm facing changing the
individual archive rules on about 12+ folders with up to 50 subfolders
under each for about 15 users..
Is there any way to use a separate program to interrogate \ ammend the
archive settings in a .pst or do I just need to buy lot's of coffee and
spend a weekend in the office..?
Any advice would be appreciated.