"cmptr_iliterate" wrote in
Thank you for your response. Ctrl F3 did work.
So can you tell me the easiest way to "forward" the original email
message to the original recipient? For example, I sent an email to a
customer who claimed they didn't get it. So I went into my "sent"
box and I see the email. I then highlight the specific email and
click on the "forward" button that appears on the toolbar. The next
thing that happens is a window popups and a blinking cursor appears
next to the "to:" field. At this point I run into the issue of not
being able to scroll down previous emails because as I mentioned
previously, their ID name appears instead of their email addressess.
And I believe if I just copy and paste their id name then it will be
in error. Normally in Yahoo, I would just scroll down and then copy
and paste their email address into the "to:" field.
Use Ctrl-F3 on the message in Sent Items and copy and paste he contents of
the To field.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
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