I do too, Rochelle. Indeed, I posted essentially this same question a week
or two ago. Alas, with the same answer.
All the other ways to get at the address that people have suggested are
fine, but I find the most obvious to me is to simply create a fake Reply or
Forward. The name and address are right there at the top [look at your
quoted message below; slightly different for email msg but same idea] and
you can then cut and paste them to the message you actually want to send and
abort the fake Reply. You can even, with a bit of precise mousework, cut
out just the email address without the "friendly name".
Incidentally, if you want your original message to go out without the quote
symbols ( at the beginnning of line), start a new message A, Reply to
message B with the correct address and cut and paste the address to A, open
(not Forward) the original message C and cut and paste the text to A. Send
A and abort B and C.
"cmptr_iliterate" wrote in
message news

Thank you for your advice. It worked too. I just wish their was a way
when someone sent me an email or replied to my email that there email
would appear in my inbox under the "from" column rather than their id
Thank you again.