pst file size
Not really. I wanted to archive emails more than two years old (I
frequently have to dig up old emails). The archive function allows up to 60
days old files only. So I backed up my large pest file and then created a
smaller file by deleting emails older than two years. May be not an
efficient way to accomplish my goal but I didn't any other way.
"DL" address@invalid wrote in message
Is there a reason for not using the Archive options?
"Basharat A. Javaid" wrote in message
I started out with pst file of 2.1GB. I deleted many thousands of old
emails from the InBox & Sent folders but the file size did not budge very
much. For example, number of emails in the InBox went down from 8,000+ to
3,000 or so!
Why did the pst file size not reduce significantly - I expected at least
50%+ reduction.