Check your "URL:MailTo Protocol" file type association (the "open"
It is : "C:\PROGRA~1\MI1933~1\Office12\OUTLOOK.EXE" -c IPM.Note /m "%1"
In IE, check the settings for E-mail in ToolsInternet OptionsPrograms.
It is : Microsoft Office Outlook.
HTML Editor is : swriter
Newsgroups is : Windows Live Mail.
Internet Call is : Skype,
Calendar is : Microsoft Office Outlook
Contacts is : Microsoft Office Outlook
I think WLMail is a player in this game. I think I only get these problems
with Outlook if WLMail is running when I start or stop Outlook - if it is
not present then I don't think I get the problems.
Similarly if I exit WLMail and Outlook is loaded then WLMail will tell me
that it can't compress its database, because another program is using a
file. I would not have though the two app's shared much of anything, apart
from functionality.
Maybe if I used a "pure" newsgroup group client (i.e. one that is not also a
mail client) then these problems would go away. Problem is that "pure" NNTP
clients are geared towards binary NG's rather than text NG's, it is the
latter that I access using WLMail.
"Man who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt man doing it." -
Chinese proverb
"Brian Tillman" wrote in message
Urbane Tiger wrote:
If you look at this
then you'll see 5 OUTLOOK processes, three parented by wlmail and two
parented by explorer
there are no OUTLOOK icons in the Systray nor the Taskbar
Check your "URL:MailTo Protocol" file type association (the "open"
action). In IE, check the settings for E-mail in ToolsInternet
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]