OE Tools | Options | General | Default Messaging Programs | This application
is the default Mail/New handler | Make Default (select).
Is MS Outlook also installed, Jim?
~PA Bear
Jim wrote:
I am using win98se with IEv.6 and OEv.6. So far so good upto 2b. What do I
do for that OS?
1. http://www.oehelp.com/oedef.aspx; then...
2a. http://www.oehelp.com/oelnk.aspx
2b. (WinXP) [Control Panel Add/Remove Programs ] Set Program Access
Defaults Email ...
If still no joy, see:
SendTo and E-mail Links Do Not Work Using Outlook Express as Default
Microsoft Outlook updates change the default mail handler to Microsoft
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin http://aumha.net
DTS-L http://dts-l.net/
Jim wrote:
The drop down menu in IE menubar ToolsMail and News new message; send
link; send a page are not working. It is thought to be (q or kb)823353.
KB is no longer offered in the WU catalog. Should I remove it?