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Old August 26th 08, 01:00 AM posted to,
external usenet poster
Posts: 55
Default What Happened To The Connection Box In WLM?

"D. Spencer Hines" wrote:

The Connection Box which showed progress in the downloading and transmission
of files, with Hide, Stop and Details Buttons...

It was a very useful progress indicator in OE -- as well as a handy switch
to turn downloading, or transmission off ---- quickly

WLM seems to have only an anemic little textual message in the lower right

Or am I missing something?


I have the same question. I read all the other (visible) posts (& had
already discovered the same, anemic solution), but what I don't see is a way
to cause a choice (that some may find annoying), to persist across sessions
(for those of us who do not find it so but do find the repeated effort of
choosing to see it every single session annoying).

When I click the icon in the progress bar, it sometimes sets the client into
offline mode, as if the clicking of it for a moment hides the little
indicator in the progress bar & (perhaps a mistaken double-click) then clicks
on the off/on line icon causing the client to go into offline mode.

There is not, as far as I can see, the little checkbox which says "always
display this" or whatever which existed in OE, &, I think, WM (as it was true
I was able to somehow get the thing to always display in WM, also, though it
was awhile back & I'm not so sure I recall exactly how on that one).

Anyway, if anyone knows a solution to this problem, a registry setting or
whatever that isn't exposed in the user interface, I would appreciate the
info. Thanks. BDR