Using VBA for Outlook and VBA for Access within Access
I have an access application which is successfully calling the following VBA
1) ns.Logon
2) stDocName = "Client Activity"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
However, the following procedure throws a compile error, "Method or Data
Member not found" - and highlights the .CreateItem method. What shall I do
to make this code work - I've adapted from VBA for Absolute beginners.
(p230-235) I have added the Outlook 11.0 library as a referece to my copy of
Dim ol As Outlook.Application
Dim ns As NameSpace
Dim msg As MailItem
Set ol = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set ns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set msg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With msg
.Receipents.Add "email 1"
.Recipients.Add "email 2"
.Subject = "test1"
.Body = "This is a test"
End With