I am running Internet Explorer 7 (7.0.5730.13) under Windows XP Service Pack
Recently, when I do a search from Google or Yahoo, I get back the expected
listing of hits. For example, I did a search on "Internet Explorer Beta 2".
I got a page full of references, one of which was a link to the Windows
Internet Explorer 8 Home Page at
www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/beta. When I click on this link,
a new page opens with the following in the address bar:
This is obviously not the Microsoft web site. Something has hijacked my
search engine and is redirecting my searches.
If I click on the back arrow from here, I momentarily see a URL that starts
www.topdir2.com/feed/click... but I end up back at the findstuff.com
Sometimes I am redirected to the lowpriceshopper.com page or some other
page, and some times I am not redirected at all.
How can I find out what is causing this redirection and who/what I have to
kill to fix this problem? Any help would be appreciated.