Another option is to set up a group on Yahoo or Google and enter the client's
addresses there. Yahoo limits you to signing up 100 addresses per day, so it
would take 5 days to load up all that you need.
"Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)" wrote:
Either break it into groups that are within the ISPs limits, get a
different ISP that doesn't limit you, or use a 3rd party service that
will send out your e-mail blasts for you.
Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:
"Gregg Hill" greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com
wrote in message :
How can one send to 500 people if one's ISP limits messages to about 50
recipients per message? I just had someone tell me that he has to break down
his email blast to his clients into groups of 25-30 or they will not send.
He has almost 500 people to whom he sends a monthly update.
No, he is not a spammer. These people are his legitimate clients.
Gregg Hill