We need to know the full text of the error messages that you are
Regarding sending to AOL, does this happen when you send a message to
one AOL user or only when you send the same message to multiple people?
Although AOL and other ISPs do occasionally block all mail from another
ISP due to spamming issues, more often the individual message is caught
by a spam filter due to something about that message. This could be due
to a fake FROM address, the number of recipients or the message
Mike -
""Coffeehouse Schmuck"" wrote in message
i would love to configure oe to work perfectly,but i always seem to
have an issue with something in it
I keep geeting that yellow checkmark telling me something is wrong or
mail cannot be sent or delevered
on a few of my e-mails,i get them perfectly within MSN9 and perfectly
through e-prompter,but i like to have my mail and my newsgroups in the
same spot,thats where OE comes in.Newsgroups configure fine,but
e-mail,thats another turtle there,I put in what my ISP says is their
code and i get the infamous yellow exclamation mark.
with MSN, i have tried mail.msn.com,incoming.msn.com smtp.msn.com and
nothing seems to work
with verizon I KNOW its incoming.verizon.net and outgoing.verizon.net
yet when i enter it...........i get the error message.
Now a real quagmire............
when i go to a ball game i normally e-mail a story of the game to
freinds,everyone recieves it fine EXCEPT those at AOL
does aol block msn?
if i get past this configuration issue at OE and get my MSN mail on OE
and as a default will OE sucessfully delever the msn mail to AOL ?(OE
as mailserver but verizon w/msn9 as isp)
thanx in advance