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Old September 10th 08, 10:31 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default How to change the number of weeks shown in calendar monthly vi

I want the three week view also. Or two week, or how ever many weeks one
selects in the first place, one should get the same displayed again after
checking his mail.

This is very useful for short term planning, as in more than 3 week display
the appointments on each day get far less space than in 2 week or 3 week

If you are like me and like to keep track of many events, some of them
lasting more than one day, then for sure you use the 2 week / 3 week display
on the calendar.

It is very annoying to have to select it again and again each time you check
the email or tasks.

Microsoft should fix this

"Gordon" wrote:

"Kathi McGraw" wrote in message
This is EXACTLY what's been driving me bonkers! I want to open Outlook and
have it default to a 3-week display.

I don't think you can. Most businesses, for which Outlook is designed, don't
work on three weeks.....
