I know you don't work for Microsoft and appreciate that you're just telling
us lower life-forms what you know but their attitude is awful. They have to
put it back. Simple as that.
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote:
Microsoft is aware of the complaints. I don't expect it back in 2007 though.
Not all appointments are recurring, private or have attachments - the icon
is helpful. meetings can (usually) be identified by the subject so that icon
was axed - and reminders are turned of or on by default for all new items,
so they determined that icon could go.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"Simon" wrote in message
Well would someone that does work for Microsoft please put the icon back.
totally rely on it as I receive meeting notices from external companies
they quite often lose the reminder setting - particularly if they use
I don't get the 'clutter' argument - they kept the private, re-occur and
attachment icons, what was the issue with the bell?
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
I don't work for Microsoft.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, Cmnsol asked:
| thanks Milly. Any idea why this was removed from the normal
| day/week/month view?
| thanks
| Carmen
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| It is now only available in a table view.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| How to ask a question: http://support.microsoft.com/KB/555375
|| After furious head scratching, Cmnsol asked:
||| A VP at our company just asked me how to get the calendar reminder
||| "bell" icon back on his calendar appointments. In 2003, you see the
||| bell on any appointment that has a reminder. It's missing in 2007.
||| How can this be added back?
||| Thanks
||| Carmen