Personal Folder Problem
Well.. it seems it isn't my day...
It seems like I messed up something while I was trying to fix my gmail issue
and now I have under Folder list: Outlook today - [Personal Folders] two
times... how could I take one of them out of there ? when I go to E-Mail
Accounts - View or change existing e-mail accounts - Deliver new e-mail to
the following location - there are two "Personal Folder" options... they
are both identical...
Under C:\Documents and Settings\harold\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook there are three files:
- Two .pst files: one called outlook.pst and another one called
- and an Extend.dat file...
Any ideas to take that extra personal folder out of my Outlook today...(when
I check what's inside it; it shows the exact same thing as my only personal
folder... they're doubled...)
Thanks in advance one more time...