newsgroups in OUTLOOK
Stephen wrote:
I'd like to use OUTLOOK2007, my regular email client, insted of Windows Mail
(VISTA) to search and use newsgroups. The setupsequence is Tools, Customize,
Commands, Go, News . . . easy enough, but there's no "News" selection under
the Go command.
Outlook never has and probably never will support NNTP (network news
transfer protocol) to do newsgroups. It always starts some other
program depending on which was configured as the default newsreader
(Internet Options - Programs tab). Why would you spend the time
waiting for Outlook to load to only have it load some other program?
Why waste all the extra mouse clicks wandering through menus in Outlook?
Just put a shortcut to whatever newsreader you want to use in the
QuickLaunch toolbar (or another toolbar) in the Windows taskbar. One
click and you start the newsreader directly. No loading Outlook, no
wandering through menus.
You can get Newshound, an Outlook add-on, to add NNTP (network news
transfer protocol) to Outlook but it isn't free.