Moving to a new timezone
In message "Diane Poremsky
[MVP]" was claimed to have wrote:
I was under the impression all day events were not the recurring
I've got both. Staff members' birthdays, for example, tend to occur
every year indefinitely.
If they are recurring, you'll need to change them yourself to
keep the recurrences. (It's possible that the recurrences are what messes
the tool up.)
It doesn't look like it, only about 40% of my all day items are
I've spent some time reviewing them and at this point I can't figure out
what is special about the three that it does recognize, one is an
ex-g/f's birthday that hasn't been touched in about three years (and
recurs annually) the other two are upcoming software releases without
any recurrence, they are actually two of about a dozen copies (ctrl-drag
to copy) of one original item with only the dates and subject lines
At this point it looks like I'll probably create a list view that
filters on items that are exactly 24 hours long and don't start at
midnight and spend some hours changing everything manually.
(The worst part of it all is that prior to switching from a Palm to a
Windows Mobile device, this would have been trivially easy to fix from
the Palm side since the Palm actually has an "All-day-appointment" flag)