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Old October 6th 08, 06:19 PM posted to
JP .[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default problems with outlook express

Firstly my thanks to Ron and Michael who between them set a trail that led me
to the solution to this problem.

I found that the account details had been reset by a system restore. The ISP
I use was Freeserve but that changed to Wanadoo and then it changed again to
In desparation I had tried a system restore to an earlier setting regime but
I neglected to update the account details on the mail server account thus I
had a perfect internet exploerer and an inoperative mail server.

This is now rectified and as soon as it was 2488 emails downloaded,most were
the usual rubbish but some were expected mail that did not arrive. Anyway
problem solved,thank you.


" wrote:

I have problems sending emails from outlook express, I always get the
following message:

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 185, Secure(SSL):
Yes, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CC0E

Can someone please help me i have tried everything i can.
