Moving to a new timezone
In message DevilsPGD
was claimed to have wrote:
At this point it looks like I'll probably create a list view that
filters on items that are exactly 24 hours long and don't start at
midnight and spend some hours changing everything manually.
Apparently I can't even do that, I don't seem to be able to write a view
that trips on start time, only start time/date.
Worse, Outlook apparently even still recognizes these items as all-day
appointments even though they're 1440 minutes long but span two days.
I've got around 1200 to modify, so my dreams of doing this manually are
looking less likely.
(1200 counting only the items that do recur, which means I have to
create another view of non-recurring items, move them to another folder,
export them, fix them outside of Outlook, then reimport them)
Surely almost 10 years after this bug was originally reported, these has
got to be a better way? Anyone have any clues why the timezone tool
doesn't actually work?