Thanks for the info. However, I have tried both suggestions to no avail. I
found the file (csapi3t1.dl_)on my xp cd and restored it to the "PROFF"
folder as directed and renamed it to(csapi3t1.dll). I'm using Microsoft
Word, I do have Works but have not activated it since I don't like it
Is there a step I'm missing ?
Thanks again and you guy's are great.
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
One post per customer, please.
Spell Checking does not work in OE:
An error occurred while the spelling was being checked or: Spell Check was
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"Fred Grosskurth" wrote in message
Keep getting error message when trying to use spell check in OE6. Get
error occured while spelling was being checked. How can I fix this.